With knowledge handed down from Grandpa Bob and Uncle Chris, Brock creates lures that he hopes "brings you the catch of a lifetime".
Although still a student at Little Falls Community High School, Brock is the owner and creator of Feather Works Lures. As a little boy, Brock was introduced to fly tying by his Grandpa Bob who made the most intricate flies. When his grandfather passed away, Grandma Mary allowed him to experiment with grandpa's fly tying materials.
At the age of 8 years old, Brock approached his Uncle Chris who had learned the art from Grandpa Bob and asked he to teach him the basics. Since that time, he continued to educate himself and read all of the books that his grandpa had used to make his lures.
Now Brock can picture his own flies in his imagination and is skilled enough to bring them to life. Grandpa Bob remains the heart and soul of every lure that Brock makes and the man behind everything he has done so far. He created Feather Works in Grandpa Bob's honor and we think Grandpa is proud of Brock's passion for the art of tying flies!